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Essential Concepts of Global Environmental Governance
MORIN, Jean-Frédéric et ORSINI, Amandine (ed.). Essential concepts of global environmental governance. 2020.
Auteurs: Jean-Frédéric Morin, Amandine Orsini
Année: 2014
ISBN: 978-0-415-82247-3
Edition: Routledge
Lien: Site de l'éditeur
Pages: 264
Aligning global governance to the challenges of sustainability is one of the most urgent environmental issues to be addressed. This book is a timely and up-to-date compilation of the main pieces of the global environmental governance puzzle. It synthesizes writing from an internationally diverse range of well-known experts in the field of global environmental governance. Innovative thinking and high-profile expertise come together to create a volume that is accessible to students, scholars and practitioners alike.
Mis à jour le 16 octobre 2023