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Chapitres d'ouvrages collectifs
Sécurité. Un concept polysémique DELCOURT, Barbara. Sécurité. Un concept polysémique. In DARIO, Battistella. Relations Internationales, bilan et perspectives. Optimum, Editions Ellipses, Paris, 2013. | |
The rise of China in Panama under Varela (2014-2019): a new Latin-American pivot of the Silk Road or a ‘tour de valse’? KELLNER, Thierry et WINTGENS, Sophie. The rise of China in Panama under Varela (2014–2019): A new Latin-American pivot of the Silk Road or a diplomatic ‘tour de valse’?. In : China-Latin America and the Caribbean. Routledge, 2021. p. 188-206. | |
A Market of Refugees? Relocation and Resettlement Practices in Malta LEMAIRE, Léa. A Market of Refugees? Relocation and Resettlement Practices in Malta. Migration Control in Practice: Before and Within the Borders of the State, 2022. | |
Changements environnementaux et conflits WANNEAU, Krystel (2013) Changements environnementaux et conflits. In Jean du Bois de Gaudusson, Christine Desouches, Joseph Maïla, André Salifou, Georges Tsaï et Pierre-André Wiltzer (eds), Déterminants des conflits et nouvelles formes de prévention. | |
China in LAC since 2008 : new transformative political, economic and geopolitical dynamics AOUN, Elena, KELLNER, Thierry, et WINTGENS, Sophie. China in LAC since 2008: New transformative political, economic and geopolitical dynamics. In : China-Latin America and the Caribbean. Routledge, 2021. p. 1-9. | |
China, Latin America, and human rights: a worrying equation? WINTGENS, Sophie et KELLNER, Thierry. China, Latin America, and human rights: a worrying equation?. Shifting Power And Human Rights Diplomacy–China, 1, 2020, p. 71-83. | |
China’s Rise in Central Asia : The Dragon Enters the Heart of Eurasia KELLNER, Thierry. China’s rise in Central Asia: The dragon enters the heart of Eurasia. In : Interpreting China as a regional and global power. Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2014. p. 216-245. | |
Contre-insurection WASINSKI, Christophe (2019) Contre-insurection. In P. Bonditti & A. MacLeod (Eds.), Relations internationales. Théories et concepts. Outremont (Québec), Athena Editions | |
De la nouvelle histoire et de son utilité en Israël BOUSSOIS, Sébastien. De la nouvelle histoire et de son utilité en Israël. In : Transactions mémorielles. Armand Colin, 2011. | |
Droits de l’homme et développement dans le cadre de l’aide au développement au Cameroun DIMIER, Véronique. Droits de l’homme et développement dans le cadre de l’aide au développement au Cameroun. In DEROCHE, Alexandre, GASPARINI, Éric, et MATHIEU, Martial (ed.). Droits de l'homme et colonies: de la mission de civilisation au droit à l'autodétermination: actes des colloques des 16 et 17 octobre 2013 et 21 et 22 octobre 2014 (Université Grenoble-Alpes, Aix-Marseille Université). Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, 2017. | |
Ennemi OLSSON, Christian (2017) Ennemi. In Dictionnaire de la guerre et de la paix, Benoît Durieux, Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer, Frédéric Ramel, Paris, PUF, pp. 473-478. | |
Environmental Diplomacy ORSINI, Amandine. 2020. Environmental Diplomacy. In Thierry Balzacq, Frédéric Charillon and Frédéric Ramel (eds.), Global Diplomacy. An introduction to Theory and Practice, London: Palgrave Macmillan | |
Etats fragiles et intervention pour la paix en Afrique entre construction hégémonique et corruption politique: Le cas du Burundi BIRANTAMIJE, G. (2015) États fragiles et intervention pour la paix en Afrique: entre construction hégémonique et corruption politique. Le cas du Burundi. I. Mouiche & SK Ewusi (éd.), Gouvernance et sécurité en Afrique subsaharienne francophone: entre corruption politique et défis sécuritaires. Addis-Abeba: UPEACE-Programme Afrique, p. 33-60. | |
Etudes militaires critiques POMAREDE Julien (2019) Etudes militaires critiques. In P. Bonditti & A. MacLeod (Eds.), Relations internationales. Théories et concepts. Outremont (Québec), Athena Editions | |
Fighting fire with fire: Mimetic investigations of the "war on terror" and its discursive strategies Olsson, C. & Wasinski, C. (with Bigo, D., Bonnefoy, L., Delori, M., Tsoukala, A.) (2024). Fighting fire with fire. In Delori, M., & Olsson, C. (Eds.). (2024). The French War on Terror: A Relational Approach to (Counter-) Terrorism. Taylor & Francis. | |
France: Making Both Ends Meet? OLSSON, Christian. France: making both ends meet?. In : Commercialising Security in Europe. Routledge, 2013. p. 153-172. | |
Global South Childhoods DIANA, Chiara (2020) "Global South Childhoods" In The SAGE Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood Studies, Edited by Daniel Thomas Cook, DOI: 10.4135/9781529714388.n312 | |
Governance against political representation? DELCOURT, Barbara. Governance against political representation?. The Political Uses of Governance: Studying an EU White Paper, 2012, p. 67. | |
Guerres humanitaires DELORI Mathias, POMAREDE Julien (2019) Guerres humanitaires. In P. Bonditti & A. MacLeod (Eds.), Relations internationales. Théories et concepts. Outremont (Québec), Athena Editions | |
Instruction et marché scolaire en Egypte (XX-XXI siècles) DIANA, Chiara, TURIANO, Annalaura, BAYOUMI, Hala, et al. Instruction et marché scolaire en Egypte (XX-XXI siècles). Atlas de l’Égypte contemporaine, 2020, p. 150. | |
Insurrection/ Contre-insurrections: éléments d'analyse sociologique à partir des terrains afghan et irakien OLSSON, Christian, DORRONSORO, Gilles, et POUYÉ, Raphaël. Insurrection et Contre-insurrections: Eléments d'analyse sociologique à partir des terrains irakien et afghan, 20. Etudes de l'IRSEM, 2012, vol. 20. | |
Iran's Asian Strategy : the importance of economic ties KELLNER, Thierry. " Iran's Asian Strategy: the importance of economic ties" in Iran and the Challenges of the Twenty-First Century. Iran and the Challenges of the Twenty-First Century, 2013, p. 244-264. | |
Iran/Arabie saoudite : une rivalité multiforme KELLNER, T., & DJALILI, M. R. (2017). Iran/Arabie saoudite: une rivalité multiforme. L'Iran, 1. | |
L'introduction de la notion de responsabilité de protéger dans les autorisations données par le Conseil de sécurité : enjeux politiques et paradoxes DELCOURT, Barbara. L’introduction de la notion de responsabilité de protéger dans les résolutions du Conseil de sécurité: enjeux politiques et paradoxes. Le recours à la force autorisé par le Conseil de sécurité. Droit et responsabilité, 2014. | |
La Chine : vers une intégration de l’Iran dans la sphère d’influence de Pékin ? KELLNER, Thierry. La Chine: vers une intégration de l’Iran dans la sphère d’influence de Pékin?. L’Iran et ses rivaux: Entre nation et révolution, 1, 2020, p. 37-53. | |
La Chine et la « Grande Asie centrale » dans la période post-11 septembre KELLNER, Thierry, DE WILDE, T., et STRUYE, Tanguy. La Chine et la «Grande Asie centrale» dans la période post-11 septembre. La Chine et la «Grande Asie centrale» dans la période post-11 septembre, 2012, p. 241-270. | |
La Chine vise aussi le Sud-Caucase : stratégies chinoises en Azerbaïdjan KELLNER, Thierry, PEYROUSE, Sébastien, et LARUELLE, Marlène. La Chine vise aussi le Sud-Caucase: stratégies chinoises en Azerbaïdjan. Eclats d’Empires. Asie centrale, Caucase, Afghanistan, 2013, p. 343-346. | |
La gouvernance contre la représentation politique ? Les débats du Parlement européen sur la nouvelle gouvernance DELCOURT, Barbara. La gouvernance contre la représentation politique? La nouvelle gouvernance européenne. Genèses et usages politiques d’un libre blanc, 2007. | |
La sociologie critique et l'étude de la politique étrangère WASINSKI, Christophe, LONGUET, Samuel, MEIJER, Hugo, et al. La sociologie critique et l'étude de la politique étrangère. La politique étrangère: approches disciplinaires, 1, 2018. | |
La stabilité budgétaire en (non-) débat : les discours parlementaires autour de la transposition du TSCG en Belgique GEMANDER, A. (2023) La stabilité budgétaire en (non-) débat : les discours parlementaires autour de la transposition du TSCG en Belgique" dans "Le(s) néolibéralisme(s) en Belgique. Cadre macroéconomique, applications sectorielles et formes de résistance. Editions Academia, Louvain-la-Neuve, 2023 | |
Le cas d’Israël, des dix ans de radicalisation à l’émergence potentielle d’une nouvelle gauche sociale ? BOUSSOIS, Sébastien, LANIER, Valérie, et PORTEILA, Raphaël. Le cas d’Israël, des dix ans de radicalisation à l’émergence potentielle d’une nouvelle gauche sociale?. Les révoltes arabes contre l'humiliation: Processus et acteurs, 2012. | |
Les normes européennes à l'épreuve du multilatéralisme et du régionalisme DELCOURT, Barbara. Les normes européennes à l’épreuve du multilatéralisme et du régionalisme. Les intégrations régionales dans le monde. Processus de construction régionale et articulation global/local., 2014. | |
Les pays émergents et la négociation des règles anti-dumping au sein de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) MATHIEU, Josué, et al. Les pays émergents et la négociation des règles anti-dumping au sein de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC). ULB--Université libre de Bruxelles, 2013. | |
Migration Control and Autonomy Beyond Dichotomies. The Role of Migrants in the Implementation of Voluntary Returns from Morocco MAÂ, Anissa. Migration Control and Autonomy Beyond Dichotomies. The Role of Migrants in the Implementation of Voluntary Returns from Morocco. Migration Control in Practice: Before and Within the Borders of the State, 2022. | |
Normalizing violence through frontline stories: the Case of American Sniper POMARÈDE, Julien. Normalizing violence through front-line stories: the case of American Sniper. Critical Military Studies, 2018, vol. 4, no 1, p. 52-71. | |
Old wine in new battles? France's belated embrace of the "war on terror" and the co-production of violence Olsson, C. & Wasinski C. (with Charbonneau, B., Debos, M.) (2024). Old wine in new battles? France's belated embrace of the "war an terror" and the co-production of violence . In Delori, M., & Olsson, C. (Eds.). (2024). The French War on Terror: A Relational Approach to (Counter-) Terrorism. Taylor & Francis. | |
Organized Violence and Historical Sociology OLSSON, Christian & MALESEVIC, Sinisa, “Organized Violence and Historical Sociology” in David McCallum (ed), Handbook of the History of Human Sciences, New York: Springer, 2022 | |
Political Economy of International Law: A Convenient Alliance for the Study of Compliance? DELCOURT, Barbara. Political Economy of International Law: A Convenient Alliance for the Study of Compliance?. In : The Political Economy of International Law. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016. p. 159-177. | |
Present wars as catalysts of fragmented memories of past wars: the use of the Algerian War in the context of the French deployment in Afghanistan WASINSKI, Christophe (2023). Present wars as catalysts of fragmented memories of past wars: The use of the Algerian War in the context of the French deployment in Afghanistan. Memory Fragmentation from Below and Beyond the State: Uses of the Past in Conflict and Post-Conflict Settings, 170. | |
Rejuvenating transatlantic strategic culture: towards a new Atlanticism BURTON, Joe. Rejuvenating transatlantic strategic culture: Towards a new Atlanticism. 2020. | |
Sécuriser le changement climatique WANNEAU, Krystel. Sécuriser le changement climatique. S. La Branche (sous la direction de), Le changement climatique: du méta-risque à la métagouvernance, Paris, Tec & Doc, 2011, p. 103-127. | |
Security Politics and the "Remaking" of West Africa by the European Union: From Bounded to Fuzzy Regions LUCIA, Elisa Lopez. Security politics and the “remaking” of West Africa by the European Union: From bounded to fuzzy regions. In : The Multidimensionality of Regions in World Politics. Routledge, 2020. p. 94-113. | |
Security Practices BALZACQ, Thierry, BASARAN, Tugba, BIGO, Didier, et al. Security practices. In : Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies. 2010. | |
Technology and Security Practices: Situating the technological imperative DAVIDSHOFER, Stephan, JEANDESBOZ, Julien, et RAGAZZI, Francesco. Technology and security practices: Situating the technological imperative. In : International Political Sociology. Routledge, 2016. p. 219-241. | |
Technology, knowledge and the governing of migration JEANDESBOZ, Julien. Technology, knowledge and the governing of migration. In : Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Migration. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021. p. 329-340. | |
Tel Aviv, paradigme des fractures historiques et sociale originelle en Israël Boussois, S., & Chapuis, J. (2013). Tel Aviv, paradigme des fractures historiques et sociale originelle en Israël ou" bulle" rédemptrice?: Métaphores socio-historiques d’une ville-monde. Villes en guerre au Moyen-Orient, 147-166. | |
Terrorism and asymmetric conflicts OLSSON, Christian, ‘Terrorism and asymmetric conflict’ in Guillaume (Xavier), Grayson (Kyle) (eds), Security Studies: Critical Perspectives, London: Oxford University Press, 2023: 121-138 | |
Terrorist labelling and European foreign policy making: a (new) weakening tool? LECLERCQ, Sidney, REINKE DE BUITRAGO, Sybille. Terrorist labelling and European foreign policy making: a (new) weakening tool?. Portraying the Other in International Relations: Cases of Othering, Their Dynamics and the Potential for Transformation, 2012. | |
The Creation of a Democratic Caucus within the UN and the Reform of the Human Rights Commission DELCOURT, Barbara et WILÉN, Nina. The Creation of a Democratic Caucus within the UN and the Reform of the Human Rights Commission. Contemporary Global Governance. Multipolarity vs. New Discourses on Global Governance, Bruxelles, Bern et Berlin, Peter Lang, 2009, p. 147-172. | |
The Criminalization of Informal Practices in the Danube Delta: How and Why PRELZ OLTRAMONTI, Giulia et TANASESCU, Mihnea. The criminalization of informal practices in the Danube Delta: how and why. In: Governance Beyond the Law. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2019. p. 49-65. | |
The Doctrine of ‘Responsibility to Protect’ and the EU Stance: A Critical Appraisal DELCOURT, Barbara. The Doctrine of" Responsability to Protect" and the EU Stance: Critical Appraisal. Studia diplomatica, 2006, p. 69-93. | |
The Environmental and Health Impacts of Chemical Spraying: Can Law Protect Victims? The Case of Agent Orange NGUYEN, Anne Dang-Xuan et ORSINI, Amandine. The Environmental and Health Impacts of Chemical Spraying: Can Law Protect Victims? The Case of Agent Orange. In : Environmental Health in International and EU Law. Routledge, 2019. p. 349-363. | |
The Formation of the ‘Western’ Strategic Gaze: A Case Study on Emotional Irrelevance in International Politics WASINSKI, Christophe. The formation of the ‘Western’strategic gaze: A case study on emotional irrelevance in international politics. In: Researching Emotions in International Relations. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2018. p. 151-177. | |
The Liberal Imperialism Doctrine as a Normative Framework for the Union’s Foreign Policy? DELCOURT, Barbara. The Liberal Imperialism Doctrine as a Normative Framework for the Union’s Foreign Policy? In Hélène Ruiz-Fabri, Emmanuelle Jouannet and Vincent Tomkiewicz (eds.), Select Proceedings of the European Society of International Law, Hart Publishing 2008 | |
The making of groups, boundaries and cleavages in the South Caucasus: from macro to micro dynamics OLTRAMONTI, Giulia Prelz. The making of groups, boundaries and cleavages in the South Caucasus: from macro to micro dynamics. In : Security, Society and the State in the Caucasus. Routledge, 2018. p. 102-119. | |
The Political Economy of Aid in the Sahel BERGAMASCHI, Isaline. The Political Economy of Aid in the Sahel. The Oxford Handbook of the African Sahel, 2021, p. 347. | |
The Right to Play Versus the Right to War? Vulnerable Childhood in Lebanon’s NGOization CARPI, Estella, DIANA, Chiara. The Right to Play versus the Right to War? Vulnerable Childhood in Lebanon’s NGOization. In : Disadvantaged Childhoods and Humanitarian Intervention. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2019. p. 135-156. | |
The Uyghur Issue in Sino-MENA Relations: The Case of Turkey Kellner, T., & Frangville, V. 228 The Uyghur Issue in Sino-MENA Relations: The Case of Turkey. In Routledge Companion to China and the Middle East and North Africa (pp. 228-239). Routledge. | |
Various Forms of Governance beyond the State: The price to pay for the resilience of European supranationality in the face of complexity and change Frederik Ponjaert, MarioTelò, Anne Weyembergh (2020) Various Forms of Governance beyond the State: The price to pay for the resilience of European supranationality in the face of complexity and change. In "Supranational Governance at Stake. The EU’s External Competences caught between Complexity and Fragmentation" Routledge | |
Viability as a Strategy of Secession: Enshrining De Facto Statehood in Abkhazia and Somaliland OLTRAMONTI, Giulia Prelz. Viability as a strategy of secession: enshrining de facto statehood in Abkhazia and Somaliland. Strategies of Secession and Counter-Secession, 2020, p. 180-199. | |
Violence politique OLSSON Christian (2019), Violence politique. In P. Bonditti & A. MacLeod (Eds.), Relations internationales. Théories et concepts. Outremont (Québec), Athena Editions | |
Violence, War and Security Knowledge: Between Theoretical Practices and Practical Theories OLSSON, Christian, BONDITTI, Philippe, BIGO, Didier, et al. Violence, War and Security Knowledge: Between Theoretical Practices and Practical Theories. International Political Sociology: Transversal Lines, 2016. | |
War and Violence OLSSON, Christian. War and Violence. An Introduction to Sociology, 2021, p. 360. | |
“Paying a blood debt” or “Liberating Africa”? The postcolonial fragmentation of French political and military memory frames during the Operation Serval in Mali (2013–2014) Younsi, A. (2023). 'Paying a blood debt'or'liberating Africa'? The postcolonial fragmentation of french military and political memory frames during the Operation Serval in Mali. Memory fragmentation from below and beyound state: uses of the past in conflit and post-conflict settings. | |
絲綢之路 sichou zhi lu ‘route de la soie’ - Quand toutes les routes mènent à Pékin KELLNER, Thierry, FRANGVILLE, Vanessa, LAUWAERT, Françoise, et al. 絲綢之路 sichou zhi lu ‘route de la soie’-Quand toutes les routes mènent à Pékin. Mots de Chine: émergences, ruptures, persistances, 1, 2020, p. 20. |