MSCA Cofund Postdoctoral Fellow

Institut d'études européennes (bureau R41.4.103)
Avenue Franklin Roosevelt, 39
1050 Bruxelles

Adresse postale
Université libre de Bruxelles
Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt, 50 - CP 172/01
1050 Bruxelles
+ 32 (0) 2 650 33 57



Dr Bruno Theodoro Luciano is a PhD in Political Science and International Studies (University of Birmingham, UK), MA and BA in International Relations (University of Brasília, Brazil). Co-Editor of the journal Contemporary European Politics. Before coming to REPI/ULB, Bruno was a Reseach Fellow at the São Paulo State University (Brazil) and Teaching Fellow in Public Publicy and European Studies at the University of Warwick (UK). His MSCA Cofund postdoctoral research at the Université libre de Bruxelles focuses on the political developments of the European Union-Latin America and Caribbean relations, examining their inter-governmental and inter-parliamentary dimensions. In addition to this primary line of research, he is also interested in ​​inter-regionalism and comparative regionalism in Europe, South America and Africa, with focus on the agenda of trade, democracy protection, civil society participation, and parliamentary diplomacy. Author of the book Parliamentary Agency and Regional Integration in Europe and Beyond (Routledge/UACES Contemporary European Studies series). Some of his research outputs have appeared in outlets such as Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of European Integration, Global Studies Quarterly, and Parliamentary Affairs.

Domaines d'intérêt

International Relations

Comparative Regionalism


European Studies

Latin America regionalism



Présentation des recherches

Projet EULAC-REL "EU-Latin America relations and the limits of normative inter-regionalism"

This project aims to understand how recent the political transformations in Latin America and Europe have affected the normative component of EU-LAC inter-regional relations. By assessing both the latest developments of the inter-governmental and inter-parliamentary dimensions of EU-LAC relations, it intends to understand the impact of recent disintegration trends encountered within the two regions on EU-LAC inter-regionalism. Therefore, it aims to analyse whether the principles historically supported by the two regions in their relationship have been contested or deteriorated by the newly-elected leaders/parties in the two sides, and what are the manifested effects when it comes to this particular inter-regional relations. In doing so, this action will also examine the stage of current EU-LAC, EU-Brazil, and EU-Mexico Strategic Partnerships, considering that these three dimensions are key components of EU-LAC overall relations. Although previous literature on the topic has vastly explored the history and the key issues of EU-LAC relations, the new disintegrative dynamics identified have demanded novel studies to assess how the normative features of current and future inter-regional relations between the two continents have been challenged. By simultaneously looking at three spheres of EU-LAC hybrid inter-regionalism, this research intends to innovate by not only examining one aspect of EU-LAC relations as done by previous studies. In fact, it aims to reach a comprehensive assessment of EU-LAC overall relations by combining and contrasting three of their component dimensions (EU-LAC SP, EU-Brazil SP, and EU-Mexico SP), highlighting key differences and commonalities among them.

Travaux sélectionnés

Books organised

Multilateralism and Regionalism in Challenging Times:  Relations  between  Europe  and  Latin  America  and  the Caribbean.  Hamburg:  EU-LAC Foundation, 2022 (edited with E. Jeger and D. Duran Cruz).

Parliamentary Agency and Regional Integration in Europe and Beyond: The Logic of Regional Parliaments (Routledge/UACES Contemporary European Studies), 2021.   

Peer-reviewed articles

Ideology or indifference? Comparaing the effects of ideological cohesion and great power involvement in Latin American regionalism. Canadian journal of Latin American and Caribbean studies / Revue canadienne des études latino-américaines et caraïbes, 2022. DOI: 10.1080/08263663.2023.2142388 (with R. Mesquita).

EU-LAC Inter-regionalism during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Contexto Internacional 44(2), November 2022. DOI: 10.1590/s0102-8529.20224402e20210004

Beyond parliamentary ratification: the role of national and subnational parliaments in EU-Mercosur trade negotiations. Journal of European Integration, 2022 (with C. Junqueira). DOI:

Liquid Regionalism: a typology for regionalism in the Americas, Rev. Bras. Polít. Int., 64 (2), 2021 (with K. Mariano and R. Bressan). DOI:

Collective Recognition and Regional Parliaments: Navigating Statehood Conflict, Global Studies Quarterly, Volume 1, Issue 3, September 2021 (with G. Kyris). DOI: 

Regional  Parliaments  and  Democratic  Crises:  The Performance  of  ECOWAS  and  MERCOSUR  Parliaments  in the Democracy  Protection  Agenda. Parliamentary Affairs, 2021 (with H. Ramanzini Júnior). DOI:

Mis à jour le 9 mars 2023