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Collaborateur scientifique
Dr. Gillard manages the trade and sustainability issues of the carbon and graphite industry at ECGA. He finished last year his PhD on EU trade policies. In his current position, he acquired experience in LCA analysis, graphite recycling technologies and due diligence policies.
Before ECGA, Dr. Gillard taught at university for six years a series of courses ranging from statistics to international political economy, while also investigating the political and industrial stakes revolving around the use of trade defence instruments by the EU.
Domaines d'intérêt
EU trade policy, EU industrial policies, sustainability
Travaux sélectionnés
Gillard, Xavier. “L’invention d’une défense commerciale européenne. Naissance et premiers pas de l’instrument antidumping”. In: Revue française de science politique 72.1–2 (2022), pp. 81–101.
Bol, Damien et al. “Voting and satisfaction with democracy in flexible- list PR”. In: Electoral Studies 56 (2018), pp. 23–34.