
I obtained a PhD in political and social sciences from the Université libre de Bruxelles in 2020 with a thesis on Belarusian foreign policy towards the EU (dir. Aude Merlin). Earlier, I obtained my bachelor’s degree in international relations from the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia and my master’s degree in political science from the ULB.

Présentation des recherches

My research has two axes: the foreign policies of limited maneuvering of autocracies and the international resistance activities of opposition groups in exile, using Belarus as a case study. In 2022-23, I was part of the Bielexil project ‘Les exilés biélorusses en Europe centrale et orientale’ carried by Cefres, Prague, and financed by Institut Convergences Migrations, France.


  • 2025. “We No Longer Only Carry Flowers”: Radicalization Processes Among the Belarusian Opposition-in-Exile. East European Politics and Societies, 0(0).
  • 2021. Belarus's oscillating foreign policy towards the EU: from engagement to retrenchment (1994-2021). Canadian Slavonic Papers 63(3-4): 338-57.
  • 2021. Actors of Belarusian 'Multivector' Foreign Policy towards the EU in the 2010s. The Journal of Belarusian Studies 11(1): 56-86.
Book chapters
  • 2024. L’opposition bélarusse et ses stratégies de légitimation à la lumière de l’agression russe contre l’Ukraine. Dans Olga Belova et Hugo Flavier (dir.). Bélarus ; une douloureuse quête démocratique, Pessac, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, collection PrimaLun@, 69-85.
  • (with Piotr Sula) 2024. ‘We are targets of a hybrid war’ An engineered migration crisis as a regime survival strategy and legitimation ‘mission’. In Elżbieta Kużelewska, Agnieszka Kasińska-Metryka, Karolina Pałka-Suchojad and Agnieszka Piekutowska (Eds.) Geopolitical and Humanitarian Aspects of the Belarus–EU Border Conflict (1st ed.), 3-17. London: Routledge.
  • 2024. The Kastuś Kalinoŭski Regiment: Auxiliaries to Ukraine or an autonomous politico-military actor? In Péter Marton, Gry Thomasen, Csaba Békés and András Rácz (Eds.). Handbook on Non-State Actors in East-West Relations, Palgrave Macmillan, 1-11.
  • (with Aliaksei Kazharski) 2024. ‘The Lithuanians have our back’: Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya’s Office and the United Transitional Cabinet in the face of fragmented Western support. In Péter Marton, Gry Thomasen, Csaba Békés and András Rácz (Eds.). Handbook on Non-State Actors in East-West Relations, Palgrave Macmillan, 1-15.
Recent NGO publications
  • Chapter on sustainable in: Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (2024), Eastern Partnership Index 2023. Charting Performance in the Eastern Partnership: Democracy and Good Governance, Policy Convergence and Sustainable Development, Brussels, pp. 107-24