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Isaline Bergamaschi investigates the sociology of international development and the appropriation of foreign aid in countries of the global South (Mali and secondarily Colombia). Her current research focuses on the ongoing transformations of international intervention in Mali. She also has an interest in North-South asymetries and relationships in diverse international settings such as social movements and multilateral organisations.
Before being appointed at the ULB, she was a doctoral candidate at SciencesPo/ CERI in Paris, a temporary lecturer (ATER in French) at Paris 1-Panthéon Sorbonne (2009-2011) and an assistant professor at Universidad de los Andes (2012-2015) in Bogota. She was a fellow at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg/Center for Global Cooperation research of the University of Duisburg-Essen in 2014. She was an assistant editor for the Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding (2013-2018) ans is now co-editor of the Revue Internationale des Etudes du Développement (Editions de la Sorbonne).
Formation universitaire
2011 Doctorat en Sciences Politiques, spécialité Relations Internationales, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris / Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Internationales (CERI) 2005 Diplôme d’Etudes Appliquées en Sciences Politiques, spécialité Relations Internationales, Ecole doctorale de l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, 2005 2004 Diplôme de l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris.
Postes occupés
- Depuis octobre 2015 : Première assistante puis chargée de cours, Département de Science Politique/REPI, Université libre de Bruxelles.
- Janvier 2012 – août 2015 : Professeure assistante, département de Science politique, Université de los Andes, Bogotá (Colombie).
- Septembre 2009 - juin 2011 : Attachée temporaire d’enseignement et de recherche, département de Sciences politiques, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
- Octobre 2005 - septembre 2008 : Allocataire de recherche, Ecole doctorale de l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris / CERI.
Animation de projets de recherche
2013-2015 : Coordinatrice du projet « Les élections au Mali : Citoyenneté, Participation, Mobilisation », porté par une équipe franco-malienne. Obtention d’un financement de l’ambassade de France au Mali.
Séjours de recherche à l'étranger
- 2007-2008. Chercheuse invitée, Global Economic Governance Programme (University College) / Maison française d’Oxford, Université d’Oxford (Royaume-Uni).
- 2013-2014. Fellow, Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research, Université de Duisburg-Essen (Allemagne).
Domaines d'intérêt
I am interested in supervising students willing to investigate the foreign policies of countries of the Global South, development and aid, International Political Economy.
More specifically, I would be happy to supervise thesis dealing with:
- French (Serval) and international interventions in Mali (UN peace-keeping) and its legitimacy/legitimation to different audiences (in France, in Mali, at the UN, etc.)
- the development-security nexus in Mali/the Sahel
- Colombia's foreign policy and insertion into the global economy
- The diplomacy of countries of the global South
- Gender and International Relations
Informations secrétariat
Office hours: See course syllabus
Présentation des enseignements
Over the years I have taught courses of International Relations, Development Studies, Foreign Policy Analysis, International Political Economy, International Organisations and a course called Africa in the World.
Présentation des recherches
My research is focused on the sociology of international development, intervention and foreign aid in the global South, with a special focus on Mali and, more recently, Colombia. Following the multi-dimensional crisis in Mali since 2012, I am currently scrutinising the ongoing transformations of international intervention in Mali under the influence of humanitarian actors (emergency ONGs and UN specialised agencies), military and security actors (French operation Serval) and the Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission (Minusma) launched in July 2013. While Mali’s political crisis has caused a crisis of the previous aid regime, the modus operandi and purposes and processes of international involvement in Mali have shifted from development assistance for poverty reduction and aid efficiency towards a more fragmented superimposition of objectives and organisations acting in a more complex and competitive environment. My current research seeks to inform those changes, trace the processes of their legitimation and acceptance amongst different fragments of Malian society and government and account for their political effects, i.e. the way Malian politics is played out.
Travaux sélectionnés
Edited Volumes
With Phoebe Moore, Arlene Tickner (eds), South-South Cooperation Beyond the Myths: Politics, Knowledge, Practices, Palgrave (International Political Economy Series), 2017
Contributions to the volume:
- With Arlene B. Tickner, “South-South Cooperation beyond the myths: Rising donors, new practices? An Introduction”, pp. 1-27
- With Arlene B. Tickner and Jimena Durán, “Going South to reach the North? The case of Colombia”, pp. 245-69
- With Jimena Durán, “Concluding Remarks: SSC Experiences Compared, and the Way Forward”, pp. 301-24
Articles in Journals
With Antoine Younsi, "Une guerre sans images ? Cadrages médiatiques, légitimation de Serval et régime scopique militaire dans les reportages télévisés sur l’entrée en guerre au Mali". In "Droit international et relations internationales au cinéma", Revue belge de Droit international, 2023
With Johanna Siméant, “Reshaping Political Order in Mali 2012 and after - What does a (post-)crisis stand for?”, Mande Studies (19), 5-15, 2017
“The Aid Regime in Crisis: Donors between Change and “Business as usual” in Mali 2012-2013", Mande Studies (19), 77-104, 2017
With Soulé-Kohndou Folashadé, « Los emergentes del Sur ante la gobernanza mundial de la ayuda al desarrollo: estrategias reformadoras, rivalidades y tentativas », Foro Internacional (Colegio de México), vol.56, n°1, January-March 2016
“The fall of a donor darling: the role of aid in Mali's crisis”, Journal of Modern African Studies, 2014, 52:3, pp. 347 - 378
“French Military Intervention in Mali: Inevitable, Consensual, and Insufficient”, Stability: International Journal of Security and Development, 2013, 2(2): 20, pp. 1-11
« Appropriation et lutte contre la pauvreté au Mali: Interprétations, pratiques et discours concurrents », Revue Tiers Monde, 2011, vol. 205, nº1, pp. 135-50 (English version: http://www.cairn-int.info/article.php?ID_ARTICLE=E_RTM_205_0135)
“Assess, Influence and Govern. Data and Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers in Mali”, Capital, Labour and Society, 2010, vol. 42, n°1/2, pp. 116-139
Working Papers
The Politics of Aid and Poverty Reduction in Africa: A Conceptual Proposal and the Case of Mali (Global Cooperation Research Papers 16). Duisburg: Käte Hamburger Kolleg/Centre for Global Cooperation Research (KHK/GCR21), 2016: http://www.gcr21.org/fileadmin/website/daten/pdf/Publications/Isaline-Bergamaschi_Politics-of-Aid-and-Poverty-Reduction-in-Africa_2198-0411-GCRP-16.pdf
Book Contributions
1. “Aid in the Sahel in the 2000s: Tales of Dependence and Appropriation” in Leonardo Villalón (dir.), Oxford: Oxford Handbook on the Sahel, forthcoming 2021.
2. With Juana García and Carolina Santacruz, “Colombia como oferente y como receptor de cooperación internacional: apropiación, liderazgo y dualidad”, in Sebastián Bitár et Arlene Tickner (eds), Colombia en el Mundo: Internacionalizacion y Politica Exterior, Bogotá: Uniandes, forthcoming 2016.
3. With Nez Héloïse and Navarro-Rodríguez Tania, “Latin American Activists at the World Social Forum: Reflections on the Relationships between the Alter-Globalist Movement and Institutional Politics” (chapter 7), in Siméant Johanna, Pommerolle Marie-Emmanuelle and Sommier Isabelle (eds), Observing an International Mobilisation from a Place: The World Social Forum in Dakar (2011), Amsterdam University Press (New Protest and Social Movements series), 2015.
4. With Baillot Hélène and Iori Ruggero, “Division of Labour and Partnerships in Transnational Social Movements: Observations of North-South and South-South Interactions at the World Social Forum”, chapter 5, in Siméant Johanna, Pommerolle Marie-Emmanuelle and Sommier Isabelle (eds), Observing an International Mobilisation from a Place: The World Social Forum in Dakar (2011), Amsterdam University Press (New Protest and Social Movements series), 2015.
5. “Building State capacities? The case of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper Unit in Mali”, in Birschenk Thomas, Olivier de Sardan Jean-Pierre (eds), States at Work: Dynamics of African Bureaucracies, Leiden: Brill (Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies), 2014, pp. 271-99
6. With Mahamadou Diawara, “Not only françafrique but definitely post-colonial: the French military intervention in Mali”, in Chafer Tony, Charbonneau Bruno (eds), Peacebuilding in Francophone Worlds: Global Global Governance Meets Post-colonialism, 2014, Routledge (CASS Series on Peacekeeping), pp. 137-152
7. “Mali: Patterns and Limits of Donor-driven Ownership”, in Whitfield Lindsay (ed.), The New Politics of Aid: African strategies for dealing with donors, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008, pp. 217-45
Drafts (under review/ in print)
“Interventions internationales et légitimité politique au Mali: Un état de l’art des travaux produits depuis le coup d’État de 2012”.