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"Ghost Hunting" (2017) Film screening and Q&A session with Raed Andoni, film Director

Publié le 19 février 2024 Mis à jour le 29 février 2024

With Raed Andoni, director of Ghost Hunting. Moderator: Omar Jabary Salamanca, OMAM-REPI

In order to confront the ghosts that haunt him, Palestinian director Raed Andoni assembles an eclectic group of ex-prisoners to recreate the Al-Moskobiya, Israel’s main interrogation centre, where he was himself jailed at age 18. Day after day, these construction workers, a blacksmith, an architect, an assistant director give shape to their memories of how they survived with grit and a sense of humor. As the walls of the cells rise, the tongues and the emotions loosen.

With English subtitles / Sous titrage en anglais

Wednesday 28th February 2024, 6pm-8pm
Salle Delvaux
Campus Solbosch - Building F1
Avenue Paul Héger
1000 Bruxelles

Free entrance, without registration.
Le 28 février 2024