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Julien Jeandesboz teaches international relations and European studies at the Department of Political Science of the ULB and is a member of REPI and of the Institut d'études européennes. He received his PhD in political science and international relations from Sciences Po, Paris. He previously worked as assistant professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam, was a research associate in the Department of War Studies at King's College London, as well as a teaching fellow at Sciences Po, Paris.
Domaines d'intérêt
International political sociology, critical approaches to security, political sociology of European constructionEuropean Union external relations, home affairs and internal security, border and migration control
Security and technology, surveillance and liberties
Informations secrétariat
Heures de permanence: mercredi 14:00-16:00, Bureau R 41.4.201 (Institut d'études européennes)Prise de rendez-vous par email obligatoire | You must make an appointment by email beforehand
Présentation des enseignements
POLI-D404 Etudes approfondies de science politique
POLI-D408 Relations internationales
POLI-O419 External Relations of the European Union
TRAN-O613 The Politics of (In)Security: National, global and regional debates
Travaux sélectionnés
Articles (selected)Jeandesboz J (2018) Putting security in its place: EU security politics, the European neighbourhood policy and the case for practical reflexivity. Journal of International Relations and Development 21(1): 22-45.
Jeandesboz J (2017) European Border Policing: EUROSUR, knowledge, calculation. Global Crime 18(3): 256-285.
Jeandesboz J (2016) Smartening border security in the European Union: An associational inquiry. Security Dialogue 47(4): 292-309.
Jeandesboz J (2016) Interroger la "vie sociale des méthodes" dans les approches critiques de la sécurité: expertise et enquête sur les questions de sécurité européenne. Cultures & Conflits 102: 33-57.
Jeandesboz J, Pallister-Wilkins P (2016) Crisis, Routine, Consolidation: The Politics of the Mediterranean Migration Crisis. Mediterranean Politics 21(2): 316-320.
Jeandesboz J (2015) Intervention and Subversion: The EU Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding 9(4): 425-441.
Amicelle A, Aradau C, Jeandesboz J (2015) Questioning security devices: Performativity, resistance politics. Security Dialogue 46(4): 293-306.
Book chapters (selected)
Jeandesboz, J (2021) Technology, knowledge and the governing of migration. In E Carmel, K Lenner & R Paul (eds) Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Migration (London: Edward Elgar), 329-340.
Jeandesboz, J (2020) Inside-out? Trajectories, spaces and politics of EU internal (in)security and its external dimension. In D Bigo, T Diez, E Fanoulis, B Rosamond & Y Stivachtis (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Critical European Studies (London: Routledge), 335-351.
Jeandesboz, J (2020) Security in the Schengen area: limiting rights and freedoms? In R Coman, A Crespy & V Schmidt (eds) Governance and politics in the post-crisis European Union (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 258-277.
Jeandesboz, J (2018) EU home affairs and technology: Making sense of information and data processing. In A Ripoll Servent & F Trauner (eds) Routledge Handbook of Justice and Home affairs Research, 180-191.
Davidshofer S, Jeandesboz J, Ragazzi F (2016) Technology and security practices: Situating the technological imperative. In T Basaran, D Bigo, E-P Guittet and RBJ Walker (eds) International Political Sociology: Transversal Lines (London: Routledge), 205-227.
Jeandesboz J (2016) Justifying Control: EU Border Security and the Shifting Boundaries of Political Arrangement. In R Bossong and H Carrapico (eds) EU Borders and Shifting Internal Security: Technology, Externalization and Accountability (London: SPRINGER), 221-238.
Jeandesboz J (2015) Au-delà de Schengen: Frontex et les contrôles aux frontières de l'Europe. In S Dullin and E Forestier-Peyrat (eds) Les frontières mondialisées (Paris: Presses universitaires de France), 75-92.
Jeandesboz J (2014) EU Border Control: Violence, Capture and Apparatus. In Y Jansen, R Celikates and J De Bloois (eds) The Irregularization of Migration in Contemporary Europe: Detention, Deportation, Drowning (New York: Rowman & Littlefield), 87-102.
Jeandesboz J (2014) Sécurité, technologie et contrôle des frontières européennes: éléments pour un regard sociologique. In D Duez, O Paye and C Verdure (eds) L'européanisation à la croisée des disciplines et des nouveaux enjeux (Bruxelles: Bruylant), 247-273.
Jeandesboz J, Pallister-Wilkins P (2014) Crisis, enforcement and control at the EU borders. In A Lindley (ed) Crisis and Migration: Critical Perspectives (London: Routledge), 115-135.
Policy working papers (selected)
Jeandesboz J (2020) Unsafe Pathways: Challenges and Issues in EU Entry Governance. AdMiGov Policy Brief, February 2020, available online: http://admigov.eu/upload/Deliverable84_V2.pdf.
Bigo D, Carrera S, Guild E, Guittet E-P, Jeandesboz J, Mitsilegas V, Ragazzi F, Scherrer A (2015) The EU and its Counter-Terrorism Policies after the Paris Attacks. Brussels: CEPS (Liberty and Security in Europe series, 84).
Bigo D, Brouwer E, Carrera S, Guild E, Guittet E-P, Jeandesboz J, Ragazzi F, Scherrer A (2015) The EU Counter-Terrorism Policy Responses to the Attacks in Paris: Towards an EU Security and Liberty Agenda. Brussels: CEPS (Liberty and Security in Europe series, 81).
Bigo D, Carrera S, Hernanz N, Jeandesboz J, Ragazzi F, Scherrer A (2013) Mass Surveillance of Personal Data by EU Member States and its Compatibility with EU Law. Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies (Liberty and Security in Europe series, 61).
Bigo D, Boulet G, Bowden C, Guild E, Carrera S, Hernanz N, de Hert P, Jeandesboz J, Scherrer A (2013) Open Season for Data Fishing on the Web: The Challenges of the US PRISM Programme for the EU. Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies (Liberty and Security in Europe series, 52).
Reports and studies
Jeandesboz J (2020) Final Report on Entry. AdMiGov Paper D1.4., January 2020, available online: http://admigov.eu/upload/Deliverable_D14_Jeandesboz_Final_Report_on_Entry.pdf.
Jeandesboz J, Aivaliotou E, Matusz P, Pallister-Wilkins P & Pitsikos I (2020) Operational practices of EU entry governance at air, land and sea borders. AdMiGov Paper D1.2., January 2020, available online: http://admigov.eu/upload/Deliverable_D12_Jeandesboz_Land_sea_airborder.pdf.
Wagner M, Katsiaficas C, Liebl J, Hadj Abdou L, Drazanova L, Jeandesboz J (2020) The state of play of Schengen governance: An assessment of the Schengen evaluation and monitoring mechanism in its first multiannual programme. Brussels: European Parliament, PE 658.699.
Jeandesboz J, Alegre S & Vavoula N (2017) European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS): Border management, fundamental rights and data protection. Brussels: European Parliament, PE 583.148.
Jeandesboz J, Rijpma J & Bigo D (2016) Smart Borders Revisited: An assessment of the Comission's revised Smart Borders proposal. Brussels: European Parliament, PE 571.381.
Guild E, Carrera S, Vosyliute L, Groenendijk K, Brouwer E, Bigo D, Jeandesboz J and Martin-Mazé M (2016) Internal border controls in the Schengen area: is Schengen crisis-proof? Brussels: European Parliament, PE 571.356.
Hayes B, Jeandesboz J, Ragazzi F, Simon S, Mitsilegas M (2015) The law enforcement challenges of cybercrime: are we really playing catch-up? Brussels: European Parliament, PE 436.471.
Bigo D, Jeandesboz J, Martin-Mazé M, Ragazzi F (2014) Review of Security Measures in the 7th Research Framework Programme (FP7) 2007-2013. Brussels: European Parliament, PE 509.979
Jeandesboz J, Bigo D, Hayes B, Simon S (2013) The Commission's legislative proposals on smart borders: their feasibility and costs. Brussels: European Parliament, PE 493.026.
Bigo D, Carrera S, Hernanz N, Jeandesboz J, Parkin J, Ragazzi F, Scherrer A (2013) National Programmes for Mass Surveillance of Personal Data in EU Member States and their Compatibility with EU Law. Brussels: European Parliament, PE 493.032.
Bigo D, Carrera C, Hayes B, Hernanz N, Jeandesboz J (2012) Evaluating current and forthcoming proposals on JHA databases and a smart borders system at EU external borders. Brussels: European Parliament, PE 462.153.
Mis à jour le 13 décembre 2022