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The Critical Raw Materials Act: expectations, issues, and perspectives

Published on September 28, 2023 Updated on June 5, 2024

Roundtable discussion organized by Quentin Deforge (FNRS posdoc research fellow at REPI Recherche et Etudes en Politique Internationale/ SciencePo ULB) and Nicolas Hercelin (LISER | University of Luxembourg)

Abstract: The Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA), which is due to be adopted at the end of 2023, is currently at the heart of discussions on European mineral raw materials supply policy in the context of energy transition. For several months, its drafting has given rise to numerous negotiations and debates involving industry representatives, European Commission directorates-general, national administrations, and environmental and human rights NGOs.

Following two days of scientific discussion on critical minerals, this round table aims to debate with actors who have been directly or indirectly involved in the drafting and formulation of the CRMA. They will share their initial expectations regarding the text as well as their concerns about its current version, and will discuss potential prospects regarding its future implementation.

Their perspectives will serve as a starting point to open the discussion with researchers from multiple European countries participating in the workshop and specializing in "critical" raw materials and energy transition issues.

Madalina Ivanica, European Commission, DG Grow
Ségolène Milaire, French Representation to the EU
Corina Hebestreit, European Carbon and Graphite Association
Robin Roels, European Environmental Bureau and Raw Materials Coalition Coordinator

Registration required: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-critical-raw-materials-act-expectations-issues-and-perspectives-tickets-726656387817?aff=oddtdtcreator

Venue: REPI Recherche et Etudes en Politique Internationale, IEE (Spaak room), 39 avenue Franklin Roosevelt, 1050 Bruxelles

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On the October 5, 2023

6 - 8 pm